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Celebrate National School Librarian Day!

As the name suggests, National School Librarian Day allows people to appreciate school librarians and everything they do for schools and students nationwide. Stereotypes of librarians lead you to believe that they are strict and even unapproachable, but these are entirely false. School librarians play a huge role in a student’s academic success. If you are an avid reader, your school librarian likely played an essential role in sustaining that passion. I enjoyed speaking with Mabelvale Middle Schools’ Library Media Specialist, Mrs. LaTonya Jackson. Previously an English teacher, she gave us insight into her transition from classroom to the library and her favorite part of being a school librarian:

What is your favorite thing about being a librarian?

“My favorite thing about being a librarian is being able to have an impact on the student body as a whole.”

How was your transition from classroom teacher to a librarian?

“It was difficult in the beginning. I was torn between not having my students all day and not having classes. It has grown on me, and I like that I can contribute to school-wide student achievement.”

What is your favorite book?

“My favorite children’s book is The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein. I am a big fan of the classics as well, Pride and Prejudice, Of Mice and Men, etc.”

School librarians do amazing things for students, often without asking for anything in return. Many are passionate about enhancing students’ passion for reading and want to help them succeed academically. Much of their work occurs behind the scenes, so many efforts go unnoticed. This year, I encourage everyone to show appreciation to your school librarians.

Here are a few ways you can celebrate School Librarian Day:

Donate Books

A school library can never have too many books! Take time to review books you have in your own personal collection that you no longer use and donate them to your library.

Respect your school library facilities.

Just because your school librarians oversee the facility does not mean they should have to clean up after students. Respect facilities when visiting public locations and apply that courtesy in your schools. Maintaining your workspace and picking up materials left behind can go a long way.

Write a thank-you note.

One of the kindest and simplest forms of gratitude is a thank you. Get creative by crafting a handmade card, writing a poem, or making a playlist.

Advocate for school librarians.

There has been a rise in book bans and challenges nationwide. This directly affects librarians and their material selections. A great way to show appreciation to your school’s librarian is to advocate on their behalf so they can focus on improving the facility.


No matter how you decide to celebrate, you should always appreciate these influential professionals and the services they provide for students every day.

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